Our Mission

To provide the Pacific Northwest with an integrated development community built around Microsoft Visual Studio.  We specialize in Visual Basic, C++, C#, and .Net programming as well as HTML and MS Office development.

Company Profile

Our company if built around a group of programmers who both program and teach at local higher educational institutions.  Teaching part-time keeps our programming skills at the cutting edge of technology while allowing us to apply our skills to real world projects.  We look forward to working on challenging and creative jobs that show off our programming expertise.

Contact Information

preview="Tell readers how to get in touch with you. Remember that people can connect to your web from anywhere in the world; so provide international versions of telephone and fax numbers. It's also customary to provide e-mail addresses for key contact points, such as sales and customer support. " -->

Telephone 503-422-8456
Postal address PO Box 6554, Portland Oregon 97228-6554
CompanyEmail toddkunz@msn.com